Anyone would like to disable ads when they become annoying! Most of the time they cover the interesting content or…
Advertisers might consider Facebook ads as a good solution for their brand and products. And they use them especially when…
Here we offer you a 2020 review of the advertising industry that is struggling to make more money and it…
Google announced that advertisers have new ways to capture leads, as they can ad lead form extensions to YouTube and…
Online privacy is every user's most important and valuable asset. “Valuable” literally means that companies can convert it into money.…
Many of us know that we need to keep away from trackers, whether we do or don't exactly understand what…
Many systems offer a way for backdoor attacks. This means the attackers install malware, such as trojans and cancel the…
Any user should know how to avoid ransomware attacks as they are, in fact, malware attacks that encrypt victim's files.…
Startpage search engine serves ads without tracking users via cookies. The private search engine has become an option for the…
The employees need to stay away from the online Coronavirus threats at home, as most of the businesses try to…