Online privacy is every user’s most important and valuable asset. “Valuable” literally means that companies can convert it into money.
Just to have a better idea, in 2016 only, search engines made over 100 billion dollars, partly by selling your personal data to third parties. These are companies that want to reach potential customers and make money by selling goods to them.
But let’s see what online privacy really means.
The right definition for the online privacy
According to Winston & Strawn law company, online privacy “is the level of privacy protection an individual has while connected to the Internet. So, it covers the amount of online security available for personal and financial data, communications, and preferences.“
So, privacy while being online involves the protection of personal data that might be used by hackers for phishing attacks, scams or to distribute malware.
In order to protect their data, most of the users try to use different tools, such as anti-virus software, strong passwords, privacy settings etc.
Still, advertisers and companies manage to obtain user’s data by asking them to accept the terms and conditions on their websites. So, many users just agree that their data is being collected and then used mainly to show them personalized ads by the websites they visit or by third parties.
Also, this data can be stolen by hackers, who afterwards try to take advantage of your data, your money or both.
Learn how to effectively protect your data
In order to protect your personal information, you should deactivate each and every online tracker. Thus, search engines, advertisers or cyber criminals which is almost impossible for the average user.
So, we come to help you in order to do this properly. Ad Guardian Plus, which is Bit Guardian’s ad blocker, deactivates online trackers. Thus, it blocks advertisers, search engines and cyber criminals to collect your personal data, when you are online.
With Ad Guardian Plus your browser and apps could not show any ads, so you can reduce to zero the risk to get scammed. The ad blocker is able to filter HTML code, so that it removes ad images, links and scripts even before they reach your browser.
It is your choice and your right to protect your online safety!