
A phishing campaign uses Google News as a lure

A clever phishing campaign uses Google News to trick users. This impersonates Google’s news website, by using homographic characters. Thus, attackers redirect unsuspecting users to phishing pages. In these attacks, American Standard Code for Information Interchange…

Facebook warns about domain names used for phishing

Facebook is concerned about domain names used for phishing. So, the company takes action and announced it filed a lawsuit in Arizona, against Namecheap. According to the social media giant, the domain name registrar aims to deceive people. They do this by misleading users…

Data breach in a US government agency

A US government agency notified its 8,000 employees that an attack compromised their personal data. The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) provides secure communications to the White House. Its CIO, Roger Greenwell revealed that the attackers stole the Social Security…